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The ASCA Model (American School Counselor Assocation)  

What is the ASCA Model? School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs should be an integral part of students' daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement. The question has been posed, "What do school counselors do?" The more important question is, "How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?" To help answer this question, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) created the ASCA National Model®, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program. The model has four components that contribute to the overall development of our students; foundation, delivery, management, and accountability. 


To find out more information about the ASCA model, please visit:



How is Northview High School utilizing the ASCA model? The Northview High School Counseling Department has dedicated the 2014-2015 school year to redesigning our services to students and the community. After several years of preparation while working with Fulton County Schools CPSW Department, we are moving towards an ASCA model program. ASCA stands for American School Counseling Association. An ASCA Model Counseling Program serves students in three domains: Academic, Social/Emotional, and College and Career areas. The ultimate goal for our department is to become a RAMP program. RAMP stands for Recognized ASCA Model Program and we hope to reach this goal within the next three years.In September of 2013, we administered a needs assessment to our entire student body. 89% of our students participated and we collected some interesting data. As a whole, our student body is most concerned with finding out about career options and understanding the college application process, including essay writing and financial aid. However, our students are also reporting that they need help with stress, anxiety, study skills and time management. In order to serve students in areas that they are reporting they need help with, we are offering the following programs:


To view our action plan for the 2014 -2015 school year, please click here. 


  • Individual Counseling- as needed in response to student need/request

  • Small Group Counseling- Self Esteem Group for girls, Back on Track Group, etc.

  • Advisement Sessions on graduation requirements, college admissions, financial aid and other topics for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades

  • Parent nights for all grade levels

  • Junior Status Conferences- 30 minute meetings with each individual junior and parent

  • Four Year Plan meetings with 9th and 10th grade students- Brief meeting with each individual student to go over four year Individual Graduation Plan.

  • Extensive Scholarship program- postings on the NHS Counseling website

  • Bridge Bill Advisement-Career and College Counseling by grade level through classroom guidance using the Georgia Career Information System

  • Signs of Suicide program in fall and spring with 9th grade students in Health classes

  • Georgia Apply to College Day- Sponsored by the State of Georgia. One on one assistance for seniors who need help filling out college applications

  • Financial Aid Workshops- presented by Georgia Student Finance Commission and Davidson College

  • Classroom Guidance lessons in collaboration with all academic departments- topics include soft skills, study skills, financial aid, essay writing, college transitions, career speakers etc.

  • Career Center upgrade and remodel- winner of $3000 grant, painted office, new furniture, SMART tv, IPAD’s, computers, STEM center and Go Build GA Center. An extensive library of college and career resources. Counselors available daily during lunch (Upgrade is ongoing this year)

  • Ceiling Tile Contest- $300 scholarship given to winner of ceiling tile contest. 55 contestants participated, faculty voted, all tiles were placed in the career center as part of the upgrade.

  • Business Partnership with Siemens Corporation- Siemens offers internships each year, is helping with the implementation of our STEM Center in the career center and offers scholarships to our students

  • Business Partnership with Princeton Review- PR offers and/or co-hosts SAT/ACT Prep, PRA tests, Getting In workshop, What’s Up Next workshop, Summer Boot Camp for rising 9th graders, PSAT Score Interpretation Workshop, and scholarships for our students

  • College Admission Representative visits- Throughout the months of September through November we had over 150 colleges visit NHS Counseling. Students can register online for the meetings

  • Full Time Registrar/Counseling Secretary- with the addition of these two positions, time has been opened up for counselors to concentrate on our above services

  • Ongoing Communication to students and community- NHS Counseling Website, Facebook page, Twitter page, Eblasts,

  • New Transcript Request Program (2014/2015)- Parchment program implemented for seniors next year to send transcripts to colleges electronically

  • NO PLACE FOR HATE program (2014/2015) - Counselors will run this program school wide with the collaboration of all departments and clubs. Cyber Bullying, No Place for Hate pledge, Georgia Safe Schools Coalition, Religious Holiday Calendar, Mix It Up Day, and much more



Not only do these programs fit the three domains of ASCA, they also meet the needs of our student body and community, they set the stage for a collaborative and team based approach for an entire school focus on these issues, and they work towards satisfying the three goals set forth by the Fulton County Schools strategic plan. As we move forward with our ASCA implementation, we hope that our students, community, faculty and all stakeholders see the value in serving the whole student as we help each individual transition through the four years of high school to be productive, academically curious, well-rounded and problem solving adults.

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