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Personal and Social Counseling
Fulton County Schools and Individual Counseling
Northview High School is very fortunate to have wonderful teachers and support services personnel. To help our community better understand what we are responsible for, we have highlighted the key duties and responsibilities for each member in our department.
The School Counselor’s main role is one of a college and career specialist. Counselors work with all students to provide a comprehensive guidance plan. Counselors insure that all students are provided with the information they need to be successful through the completion of high school and as they exit and move on to post-secondary options. A counselors main focus is on academic, career and social development of the student.
The School Social Worker’s is to remove barriers that may impact a student’s ability to be successful. Social Workers are the link between home and school and can provide resources to families to ensure student success.
The School Psychologist’s main role is assessment and identification of students who may be struggling academically and/or placement and eligibility for special services. School Psychologists may also be called on to do test evaluation or to assist with SST/504/IEP placement decisions.
Though Northview Counselors, Social Workers and School Psychologists are not trained mental health practitioners or therapists, we do have a protocol regarding the reporting of a student with signs of depression or suicidal ideology. If a student is self-identified or identifies another student as a danger to self or others, we will react in the following way:
We will immediately get the student out of class and bring them to a safe location/office. Two adults will be with the student at all times. We will begin working through our crisis protocol
We will make immediate contact with a parent to ask you to come to the school
We (Social Worker, School Psychologist, Administrator or Counselor) will give you a list of resources to get help. It is imperative that parents seek out assistance from trained mental health/medical professionals outside of the school.
Parents should take their student for an evaluation with a mental health professional
Parents will be asked to report back to one of the above individuals that they have taken their student for this evaluation and that they have been cleared to return. The mental health/medical professional may wish to make recommendations to the school upon the students return.
By Georgia Law all school staff are mandated reporters of any issues related to student safety.
Please do not EVER hesitate to contact us for help!! We will do our best to support you and give resources for you, your student or anyone who might need someone to talk to. Our School Counselors and School Social Worker (on Wednesday, Thursdays, and alternating Fridays) are located in the counseling office. Our School Psychologist is located in the media center on Mondays and Fridays.
The Summit Counseling Center
Fulton County Schools has developed a framework in which mental health partners are on the school campus and provide services to students. Students may access mental health providers on campus should they need that level of support and should their parents desire the option for them. We currently have a mental health partner on-site at Northview High School. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact The Summit Counseling Center at 678-893-5300, web site: http://summitcounseling.org/.

Suicide Prevention
In the United States suicide is the leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24. It is also one of the leading causes of preventable death. We lose approximately 130 young people in this age group to suicide each week. Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs. That means that in 80% of these cases, we have an opportunity to intervene and possibly save a young person who is at-risk.
Fulton County Crisis Support
"Text4HELP" - A crisis support line in all FCS high schools in partnership with the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Students who use the app can be connected anonymously to a licensed mental health profession for immediate mental health resources and referrals, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
To contact the crisis support line, text "Titans" to 1-844-201-9946.