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Tutoring and Resources
Outside Tutoring Services
As a service to our students, Northview High School has compiled a list of tutors who have told Northview that they offer tutoring services. Northview High School does not endorse any particular tutor. Furthermore, please be advised that Northview High School is not familiar with all of the individuals and private companies herein and therefore, would suggest that you use the following questions to help you select the best possible tutorial assistance for your child.
1. Could you send me printed material describing your qualifications, degrees, specialty areas and/or teaching experience?
2. Ask the tutor or facility for references. When calling references, ask the following questions:
a. How satisfied were you when working with this individual or facility?
b. What kind of progress did your child make?
c. Did your child enjoy attending his/her tutoring sessions?
d. Do you feel the tutor or facility was eager to see that your child received the best help possible?
3. What kind of services does your facility provide?
4. How is my child assessed?
5. Can I provide testing information that has been done at the local school? (Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Criterion Reference Test, PSAT, etc.)
6. Is testing mandatory for my child to participate?
7. What is the cost of testing?
8. Where are the tutorial sessions to be held? (ask to see the actual location).
9. Will my child see the same tutor each week?
10. What will be the cost per hour for each session? Does this include any other services besides the actual tutoring (study skills, time management, organizational skills, etc.)?
11. How many sessions do you feel my child will need?
12. How often will I receive feedback about my child's progress?
For information and savings on Huntington tutoring, click here.
For information on Huntington SAT and ACT Prep classes, click here.
Ingenify - Free Online Tutoring
Ingenify is a free virtual tutoring platform where students can receive online tutoring from qualified high school students looking to help the community.